


Good afternoon Baseball Parents and Players!

Here we are, already in the last month of the season! A couple of important announcements...

Due to the large amount of players per team in the teeball division, we are going to continue 'as is' for the rest of the season without scheduling games. I know this is disappointing but after consulting with the coaches there's really no way to do it in an organized way before the season ends. So please continue to follow your teams current schedule. 

Photo envelopes will be handed out by the coach to your kids tonight and the rest of this week. The deadline to hand them back to your coach is next Monday June 7th, or Tuesday June 8th forthe mosquitos and peewees. You won't want to miss out on photos as Dan Tsuji does an amazing job with graphics and action shots. Make sure your player is dressed in uniform and hat for every game in case Dan is at the field snapping shots that night.

Thanks and have a great week of baseball!